

Includes 60 minutes
​35  fully edited high resolution images.

$100 per each additional hour + 10 more images.

$30 Travel fee for photoshoots within 1-2 hours distance.

​30% non refundable deposit is required at booking time of booking date.


Family Portraits

Engagement Photos

Senior Portraits

Maternity Photos

Fashion / Lifestyle Portraits

Fitness Photos

Product / Stock Images


Package One:

Starting at $3,000

Includes: ​6 hours, one photographer,
​ 75-100* fully edited high resolution images.​
​50% non refundable deposit required at time of booking date.

Package Two:​  

Starting at $3,500

Includes: 6 hours, Two photographers,

150* fully edited high resolution images.
​50% non refundable deposit required at time of booking date.


Starting at $450

Includes: ​1 hour, one photographer
​35 fully edited high resolution images.​
​50% non refundable deposit required at time of booking date.

Additional $100 per each hour + ten images

Monthly Subscription

Keeping up with your content these days can be exhausting - from email campaigns, to social media, to your website - but with a content subscription, we can work together to create on-brand imagery to fill your every day needs.

Professional, personalized imagery sets you apart from your competition while also creating more engaging and relatable content. Be sure to check out our packages to see what is the right fit for you and your brand!


Gold Package

$800 per month

  • Three one hour content photoshoots per month

    • 80 images - for blog content, social media stories and posts, Pinterest, Facebook. Emails, etc.

  • Or two mini shoots + one minute long video.

    • 30 images + Video

Silver Package

$600 per month

  • Two one hour content shoots per month

    • 60 images - for blog content, social media posts / stories, Pinterest, Facebook, Emails, etc.

  • One mini shoot + One minute long video

    • 15 images + Video


Diamond Package

$1,100 per month

  • Three one hour long content photoshoots + one minute long video per month

    • 80 images - for blog content, social media stories and posts, Pinterest, Facebook. Emails, etc.

Bronze Package

$350 per month

  • One hour long photoshoot per month

    • 35 content images - for blog content, social media posts \ stories, Pinterest, Facebook, Emails, etc.

  • Or one one minute video